100% WOOD 100% GOOD | WoodAble performs better than flimsy plastic and takes an estimated 90 days to compost. Together we can eliminate the bad plastic utelsils experiences and mountain of plastic waste. | BETTER PRODUCT | WoodAbles are very durable, inevitability smooth, completely splinter free and able to do what flimsy plastic utensils cannot. Each product is turbo-polished for 4-6 hours and created for a better experience. | FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL CERTIFIED | WoddAbles are the only FSC certified disposable wooden utensils on the market! WoodAble is the only manufacturer and supplier that can proudly and confidently certify that its product is sourced por FSC standards. | TRULY SUSTAINABLE | Our utensils come from Chile and are made the same way we've been making wooden products for many decades. Our parent company has been tending the same land for more than 115 years and have replanted the entire forest 8 times. | WOODABLE VS DIRTY WOOD | Currently we plant 4 trees for every 3 that we harvest! Unlike the wood sourced legally/illegaly by Chinese manufacturers. The vast mayority of disposable wood products on the market today is contributing to deforestation.