BALANCE - Balance is an integral part of everyday life. Using any balance trainer will improve your agility, quicken your reaction times, and improve your overall performance. The Skill Board grows with you because you balance on a specially designed inflatable exercise ball. Less air in the ball will make balancing easier, and more air will make it harder. | FITNESS - Every physical action requires balance. So, better balance improves your sports performance. Excel in whatever you play. Our premium plank board can help you train in snowboarding, skiing, skateboarding, hockey, wakeboarding, surfing, sandboarding or running. | CORE - Using the Skill Board strengthens your core, the most important muscle in the body. Utilize a variety of balance board exercises to help improve your core as well as your upper and lower body strength. Increase the pressure in the inflatable ball to get a tougher workout, or deflate it for an easier ride. | EVERYDAY LIFE - The Skill Board is an awesome tool, even if you?re not looking for something hardcore like a snowboard trainer or a surf balance board. Core strength and balance are essential aspects of everyday life, and our workout board is versatile to fit into your routine. Swap the ball for an inflatable wobble cushion and you have yourself a perfect balance board for standing desks. | FOR THE FAMILY - Turn the pressure down low for an easy ride and let the family join in! It?s fun to ride the Skill Board and see how long you can stay on. Different accessories or settings can ensure children are having a fun workout too, making the Skill Board a great balance board for kids too!