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Fir Tree Brand

Fir Tree Brand
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Leather Gardening Gloves by Fir Tree. Premium Goatskin Gloves With Cowhide Suede Gauntlet Sleeves. Perfect Rose Garden Gloves. Men's and Women's Sizes. M-8 (See Size Chart Photo)

If you love your roses but hate being scratched by thorns, these garden gloves are for you. Genuine goatskin leather provides the ultimate protection possible from sharp thorns and pickers without sacrificing dexterity. | A durable cowhide sleeve will keep our arm covered to your elbow. And because they are 100% leather, your gloves will be more breathable than synthetic gloves. | These gloves are sturdy yet soft to the touch, both inside and out. And goatskin gloves are washable- we include instructions for keeping them clean. | These puncture resistant gloves are the perfect rose gardening gloves and can also be put to use for handling cactus, pruning berry and all prickly bushes, citrus picking and to protect you from poison ivy. | Our top quality gloves come beautifully packaged in a reusable cloth storage bag which makes hem perfect for holiday gift giving. And Fir Tree always stands behind our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee so be sure to add a pair to your shopping cart today.