T-Power Made with the highest quality (( Extra Long 6.6ft cable cord )) Total Cord Length Is Extended to 6.6 ft | INPUT: 110V ~240V 12VDC & ( 9v~12v gaming Chair compatible) Also fit: PYRAMAT PM220 Video Game Stereo Chair Sound Rocker | Compatibility: Ace Bayou V Rocker 5130301 SE Video Gaming Chair , X Pedestal Wireless Swivel Video Rocker 51274 & 51277 X Rocker 51092 Spider 2.1 Gaming Chair Wireless with Vibration X Rocker 5127401 Pedestal Video Gaming Chair, Wireless , Black X Rocker 5142101 Commander 2.1 Audio Gaming Chair X Rocker 51491 E X treme III 2.0 Gaming Rocker Chair with Audio System X Rocker 51498 Pulse 2.1 Sound Gaming Chair X Rocker 5172601 Surge Bluetooth 2.1 Sound Gaming Chair, Black with Red Piping | X Rocker Impact Video Rocker 51056 , X Rocker Pulse Video Rocker 51469, X -Rocker 5172801 Ace Bayou Vibe Sound Chair with Arms, Black,Red , X Rocker 51491 vrocker e, X treme Audio Gaming Chair , X Rocker 51476 video rocker argos Audio Gaming Chair , X Rocker 51474 e, X treme target Audio Gaming Chair , X Rocker 51468 , X rocker 2.0 wmdotcom Audio Gaming Chair , X Rocker 51453 , X rocker e, X treme tesco Audio Gaming Chair ,X Rocker 51451 e ,X Rocker II SE Video Gaming Chair 51273 | X treme III shopdirect Audio Gaming Chair , X Rocker 51418 E, X treme Audio Gaming Chair , X Rocker 51056 Impact Sound Gaming Chair , X Rocker 0711701 Triple Flip 2.0 Game Chair Ottoman with Storage , X Rocker 06103 delu, X e recliner wireless brookston , PYRAMAT PM220 video Game Stereo Chair Sound Rocker P,N : 6103,51056,51056,51092,51259,51273,51274,51277,51396,51418,51451,51453,51468,51469,51474,51476,51491,51498,711701,5127401,5142101,5143601,5172601,5172801