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Dr. Browns

Dr. Browns
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Dr. Browns Bottles 4 Pack (2 - 8 oz bottles) and (2 - 4 oz bottles)

Includes two 4oz and two 8oz standard Dr. Brown's bottles | Proven to help preserve bottle milk nutrients- Vitamins C, A, and E are critical for health in infancy | Vacuum-free feeding helps digestion- Good digestion is essential for babies, particularly newborns | Fully-vented bottle design- closest to breastfeeding | Internal Vent System and silicone nipple work together- Controlled flow so babies feed at their own pace

Dr. Brown's Deluxe Baby Bottle Brush, Blue

Cleans all sizes of baby bottles | Bristle pattern optimally reaches all corners of bottles | Angles bristles eliminate splash-back during cleaning | Soft-grip handle with ridges at the base designed to clean nipples | Store brush near sink with suction cup storage clip; Extra cleaning brush included

Dr. Brown's Original Bottle Specialty Feeding Set, 4 Ounce, 2-Pack

Designs may vary to green vent and transparent nipple cover | Accomplishes "Infant-Directed" feedings | Positive feeding experiences - efficient, successful and safe | Non-specialty feeding bottle design. Fully reusable system | Helps decrease gassiness and burping with non-squeeze method