Beetle is a extremely the smallest Arduino leonardo board. It derives its core notion from minimalism without compromising functionality. | It comes with Atmel AtMega32u4 ( datasheet) @16MHz clock time and has expanded amounts of interfaces: 10 digital pins, 5 analog pins and 4 pwn pins. | To further make it user-friendly, it is compatible with Micro USB so that direct programming and testing is no longer a headache. Select "Arduino Leonardo (tools >board > Arduino Leonardo in Arduino IDE), the ATmega32U4 comes preburned with a bootloader that allows you to upload any new code that is applicable to Arduino Leonardo. | As the smallest Arduino Leonardo, it enjoys similar powerful functionalities. Beetle aims to solve problems of low-cost controller, ease-of-using properly, and to provide a low cost solution for disposable projects, such as DIY projects, workshops, gift projects, E-Textiles and educational.
Operating Voltage: 5V | 5 Push buttons to supply a custom menu control panel | RST button for resetting Arduino program | Integrate a potentiometer for adjusting the backlight | 16 character x 2 line HD44780 compatible LCD